Tourettes Guy Wiki

"Colonel Cluster Fuck" is one of the original 25 videos uploaded to It is one minute and 47 seconds long, and consists of Danny shouting "Fuck" five times, who is holding a hot pot, he hits his head on the chandelier, and leaves and yells "Fuck". Then the footage cuts to the sitting Ronald McDonald staute, with Danny (off-screen) saying "Ronald McGoddamn Donald". Then it also shows Danny is on the chair and drinking beer, with his son asking him about his opinion on George W. Bush. Danny says "You mean Colonel Cluster Fuck?", he hates George W. Bush, and cuts to the screen says "CENSORED", it show Danny is on the chair, his son asking him he is going to be in big trouble. Danny looks at the camera, and doesn't care about it, and says "This is the United States of America, he has freedom of speech, if people don't like it, they can go fucking fuck there fucking selves!" His son asks him about his opinions on Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Rick Moranis, Danny hates all 3 of them, he says "Who the hell is Rick Moranis?", his son asks him he is the actor with glasses. Danny wants Rick Moranis blown up into a million pieces (when the next movie, he's in). His son asks Danny, he has to be careful about what he said, thinking he might come here and looking for Danny, and Danny shouts "Shit". Danny is not afraid of him, and says "Fuck you, Rick Moranis! Fuck you and your... pussy whipped friends!" He calls Rick Moranis "4 Eyes".


Tourettes Guy- Colonel Cluster Fuck
